Speeding up to Slow down - Astrology of June

With planets shifting into Gemini our intellectual minds are being activated, social capacity expanding and idea generation amplified. The beginning of the month magnifies these themes as Mercury moves into its home sign, aligns with Jupiter and they both make harmonious aspects to Pluto in Aquarius.

Venus also aligns with the Sun at the new Moon in Gemini bringing a powerful purification of the feminine energies, relationships, love and the things we value the most. Following an opportunity to grow to a threshold and pass though an upper limiting gateway.

On the 9th Mars enters Taurus which might feel like a sudden slowdown of energies that recently picked up! There’s a series of challenges mid month with a light bulb moment on the 15th with the Mercury Cazimi.

The 17th also one to make in the diary as Venus and Mercury hail in the Cancerian vibes before making a conjunction a beautiful day for deep and meaningful conversations with those you love

Cancer season officially kicks off on the 21st also marking the solstice. Winter in the south and Summer in the north, the light will begin to slowly change. Capricorns full moon could bring extra productivity and creation on the 22nd.

The end of the month brings a mature approach to our thoughts and mindset before Saturn stations Retrograde with a chance to slow down and shift our discipline and patience to an internal focus

Happy June my friends

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