Balancing her energy and following her heart though travel with Mary-Helen Lockton.

Mary-Helen has tried many times to find the right career and life for herself, however she continually has the urge to travel and see the world and has learned to follow her intuition to what she truely loves.


About Mary-Helen

Mary-Helen Lockton is a life coach, financial coach and travel mentor with over 20 years of backpacking experience, having left her home country of Australia for the first time all the way back in 1999. She has done working holiday visas in the UK, France, Ireland and Canada, and in between these trips she pursued careers in finance and marketing in Sydney.

Mary-Helen has most recently returned from a year long solo trip around the world, driving a campervan around Europe and then doing the backpacker trail down the west coast of South America, mixing hiking, yoga retreats and pisco sours with self-development. 

If you are sitting on the fence about not finding meaning in your life then the whole world is sitting out there waiting for you.
— Mary-Helen Locton

In the episode...

  • Mary-Helen had an image of a world traveller as to what she wanted to be when she grew up.

  • The motivations for Mary-Helen to travel and how her first move was not really that far.

  • Mary-Helen moved to London when she was 19, since then has been back and forth to Australia on numerous different times in her life.

  • She really tried twice to get a serious career yet she still didn’t seem fulfilled and things started falling apart.

  • She wasn’t able to get working holiday visas as a 40 year old so she had to rely on her coaching business.

  • Mary-Helen found herself on auto-pilot and felt so busy in her routine life. She keep filling her life to fill the void.

  • She believes that she needs to regularly get out into the world and experience life, a balance of the masculine and feminine.

  • Mary-Helen talks about the tick box lifestyle that many societies and people follow.

  • When Mary-Helen lived in Canada, travel became her routine. If things were not working out she would just leave it behind.

  • She really had to learn to deal with the underlying things that were coming up for her and sit with the uncomfortableness.

  • Travelling to places like Croatia and Bosnia were outside her comfort zone in the early days of travelling. Mary-Helen talks about a boarder crossing where she felt quite confronted.

  • Mary-Helen has learned to look at the behaviours and cultures of others and use them as tools to understand herself better.

  • She tries to be compassionate to others upon returning home.

  • Mary-Helens advise for people who are not 100% sure about going travelling is to put the building blocks in place to make the opportunity a priority.

Rapid Fire Round

  1. Mary-Helens last trip? Chile

  2. A place she tells everyone to visit? Scotland

  3. Scariest place she has travelled to? Bosnia

  4. Favourite thing about travel? Learning about herself

  5. Mary-Helens next trip? France

Why Mary-Helen continues to seek out travels and adventures? If you ar

Even if you do have all the pins in place.....what do you do next?
— Mary-Helen Lockton


The Wanderlusters Mind Podcast
Follow your heart and travel
The Wanderlusters Mind Podcast